Mark, Ellen, and Kelly are intermittent fasters; How to live to be a 100-years old
/Mark Wahlberg on Instagram_ “Six months of Performance Inspired Nutrition, Aquahydrate, and F45 training!! Clean eating. Inspired to be better, team training _ life…”
Celebrity news tops the list of Fasting in the News this week. Also, the idea of living to be 100-years-old is not as crazy as it once was considered, can intermittent fasting help?
Wahlberg fixes his "leaky gut" with intermittent fasting
Wednesday, while appearing on Ellen DeGeneres's daily talk show, super-fit actor Mark Wahlberg shared he lost 10 pounds in just five days by drinking bone broth during an extended fast. Although he threw a bit of shade still at Dr. Mehmet Oz, who he has feuded with publicly over skipping breakfast while intermittent fasting, he did acknowledge that works for Dr. Oz and others.
"I don't want to give Dr. Oz any credit, though, because you know what happened with Dr. Oz? He's like three years late," Wahlberg said. "Everybody's been doing intermittent fasting," he told Ellen.
Viewers also learned we can add Ellen's name to the growing list of celebrities who use intermittent fasting to keep their weight in check.
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Bunny food and intermittent fasting for Kelly Rippa
As she faces 50, Kelly Rippa remains as energetic as a bunny rabbit. Perhaps it is because she eats like one.
According to Women's Health, Rippa primarily follows a plant-based, alkaline diet, which she eats within an 8-hour window each day. Her nutritionist Daryl Gioffre shared Rippa will occasionally eat meat, such as wild-caught fish. Otherwise, she primarily eats a moderate amount of protein and fiber-rich carbs.
"Kelly is a big fan of intermittent fasting, but Gioffre says she doesn't do it to restrict how much she eats. 'Intermittent fasting is not about eating less, it's about eating less often,' he says. 'Calorie counting goes out the window—when it's healthy food, nutritious food, you eat as much of it as you need to feel satiated.'"
Do you want to live to be 100-years-old?
Across the pond, The Guardian examines what is helping many to live longer and healthier lives. While confessing, they may not understand intermittent fasting, it works.
"No one knows quite why intermittent fasting works. The best guess is that it has something to do with metabolic switching and cellular stress resistance causing the body to increase production of antioxidants,” according to the article.
So since the Queen of England turns 94 in April, do you think she is on the intermittent fasting bandwagon too?